Leave of Absence Management

ADP Ventures

Medical and family leaves are becoming a common part of the American work experience. There are now over 400 different types of federal, state, and municipal leaves mandated by law in the U.S., and this number is growing every year. This complicated web of overlapping laws has many negative effects on employees.

Most have trouble understanding eligibility, approvals, and deadlines, and aren't given the tools to help predict pay, benefits, and job protection while out on leave.

This complexity drives up the costs of administering leaves and the risk of leave-related litigation, but it also creates an opportunity for the right solution.

Given that 40% of our client's employees have access to paid leave programs, 35% work in states offering paid family leave, and 12% take family or medical leave each year, ADP is well positioned to serve this need.

Our solution allows employees to preview eligibility and paint a clear picture of their pay and benefits while out on leave.

All of the necessary federal, state, and local documentation is brought online, replacing the need for printed documents and fax machines while providing up-to-date status throughout the entire process.

The employee's dashboard provides them with a single source of truth to monitor the details of their leave and track communication with all involved stakeholders.

This also assists in a smooth transition back to work, allowing for extensions and accomodations depending on the specific needs of the employee.

For Employers

HR Practitioners are provided with a central location to manage all aspects of their employees' leaves, including changes to regulations that affect the leaves of their employees.

For Medical Professionals

Doctors and medical professionals are able to certify their patient's leave of absense with one or two clicks via medical systems integration and proactive communication with all parties involved.